Our next 3Rs Training webinar will take place on Monday, June 24th, 7-8.30 pm. Learn how to create animal product-free liver models using 3D bioprinting at our 3Rs Training Webinar!
Eine Veranstaltung der Berliner Landestierschutzbeauftragten/ Animal Protection Commissioner
The presentation of Ahmed Samir Mohamed Ali from the Technical University of Berlin, Germany will cover why it is important to replace animal components in in-vitro studies, addressing scientific and ethical concerns. Additionally, Ahmed Ali will report on the efforts as a bioprinting group to overcome the current limitations in having a xeno-free liver model with good physiological relevance to the human body.
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Bio sketch
AhmedSamir Mohamed Ali is currently pursuing his PhD at TU Berlin within the Institute of Biotechnology. His research focuses on non-animal alternative methods, with a particular emphasis on 3D bioprinting. His doctoral work revolves around creating 3D bioprinted liver models that closely mimic the human liver while entirely avoiding the use of animal components. He is passionate about educating young students on these non-animal alternative methods.